Useful Tricks for the iPhone And iPad Most People Don’t Know
You can stop music playback after a certain time. This is especially helpful if you like to fall asleep to music, but not wake up to it. Go to the Clock, then Timer, and set the duration. Select the option “Stop Playing” When Timer Ends.
Close the Multitasking Bar
When closing apps in iOS 7 in the multitasking bar (after double click), you can close up to three apps at once. You just have to use three fingers.
Take Photos & Videos with iPhone Headphones/Volume Up Button
Click the volume + button on the remote on your Apple or Apple-compatible earbuds while in camera mode to click and shoot, or the middle button (play/pause), while in video mode, to take selfies.
- Delete/Recover the Last Digit with Swiping Across with Calculator
If you wish to delete or recover the last digit you inputted, simply swipe across the readout from left to right, or vice versa.
Swipe a Banner Notification
You can just swipe right to left to banish a banner notification. It’s very important to know this when that embarrassing text shows up suddenly on your screen.
Airplane Mode to Charge Twice Faster
If you put your phone on airplane mode, it will charge twice as fast. Try it when you’re traveling, it’s really time-saving.
Assistive Touch
If you have a broken home button or have trouble touching the screen, enable this option. Once you enable it from Accessibility settings, you will see a big white dot on the screen.
Shake to Undo Typing
When typing message with keyboard, sometime you may want to delete all of them by pressing the “delete” button, one by one. Alternatively, you can choose to shake one time, and then choose Undo Typing; all messages will be deleted by one click.
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